This page covers Tutorial v2. Elm 0.18.

Players Model

Change src/Models.elm to:

module Models exposing (..)

type alias Model =
    { players : List Player

initialModel : Model
initialModel =
    { players = [ Player "1" "Sam" 1 ]

type alias PlayerId =

type alias Player =
    { id : PlayerId
    , name : String
    , level : Int

Here we define how a player record looks. It has an id, a name and a level.

Also note the definition for PlayerId, it is just an alias to String, doing this is useful for clarity later on when we have function that takes many ids. For example:

addPerkToPlayer : Int -> String -> Player

is much clearer when written as:

addPerkToPlayer : PerkId -> PlayerId -> Player

We also added players to our main model and created a hardcoded list for now.

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