This page covers Tutorial v2. Elm 0.18.

Main view

Our main application view needs to show different pages as we change the browser location.

Change src/View.elm to:

module View exposing (..)

import Html exposing (Html, div, text)
import Models exposing (Model, PlayerId)
import Msgs exposing (Msg)
import Players.Edit
import Players.List
import RemoteData

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    div []
        [ page model ]

page : Model -> Html Msg
page model =
    case model.route of
        Models.PlayersRoute ->
            Players.List.view model.players

        Models.PlayerRoute id ->
            playerEditPage model id

        Models.NotFoundRoute ->

playerEditPage : Model -> PlayerId -> Html Msg
playerEditPage model playerId =
    case model.players of
        RemoteData.NotAsked ->
            text ""

        RemoteData.Loading ->
            text "Loading ..."

        RemoteData.Success players ->
                maybePlayer =
                        |> List.filter (\player -> == playerId)
                        |> List.head
                case maybePlayer of
                    Just player ->
                        Players.Edit.view player

                    Nothing ->

        RemoteData.Failure err ->
            text (toString err)

notFoundView : Html msg
notFoundView =
    div []
        [ text "Not found"

Showing the correct view

page : Model -> Html Msg
page model =
    case model.route of
        Models.PlayersRoute ->
            Players.List.view model.players

        Models.PlayerRoute id ->
            playerEditPage model id

        Models.NotFoundRoute ->

Now we have a function page which has a case expression to show the correct view depending on what is in model.route.

When the player edit route matches (e.g. #players/2) we will get the player id from the route i.e. PlayerRoute playerId.

The player edit page

playerEditPage : Model -> PlayerId -> Html Msg
playerEditPage model playerId =
    case model.players ofRemoteData.NotAsked ->
            text ""

        RemoteData.Loading ->
            text "Loading ..."

        RemoteData.Success players ->
                maybePlayer =
                        |> List.filter (\player -> == playerId)
                        |> List.head
                case maybePlayer ofJust player ->
                        Players.Edit.view player

                    Nothing ->

        RemoteData.Failure err ->
            text (toString err)

When we navigate to a page we have the playerId, but we might not have the list of players loaded or the actual player record for that id in the list. We need to account for these two cases.

➊ So first we check the type of model.players, we will only show the list if this attribute is a RemoteData.Success list.

➋ Then we filter the players' list by that id and have a case expression that shows the correct view depending if the player is found or not.


notFoundView is shown when no route matches. Note the type Html msg instead of Html Msg.

Html Msg vs Html msg

Many times you will see Html Msg and many other times Html msg. The difference is that Msg is a concrete type and msg is a type variable.

Html Msg

Html Msg means a view that returns Html with a concrete message type. For example:

type Msg = Increase

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    button [ onClick Increase ] [ text "Increase" ]

Here Increase is a concrete type, our view emits messages of this type, this is reflected in the signature by using Html Msg.

Html msg

Html msg is a generic type, we use this when we don't need to specify the concrete type for a view.

view : Model -> Html msg
view model =
    div [] [ text "Hello" ]

This view doesn't emit messages, so we can use Html msg in the signature. This makes the view more reusable.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""