This page covers Tutorial v2. Elm 0.18.


Now we need a command to fetch the players from the server. Create src/Commands.elm:

module Commands exposing (..)

import Http
import Json.Decode as Decode
import Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (decode, required)
import Msgs exposing (Msg)
import Models exposing (PlayerId, Player)
import RemoteData

fetchPlayers : Cmd Msg
fetchPlayers =
    Http.get fetchPlayersUrl playersDecoder
        |> RemoteData.sendRequest
        |> Msgs.OnFetchPlayers

fetchPlayersUrl : String
fetchPlayersUrl =

playersDecoder : Decode.Decoder (List Player)
playersDecoder =
    Decode.list playerDecoder

playerDecoder : Decode.Decoder Player
playerDecoder =
    decode Player
        |> required "id" Decode.string
        |> required "name" Decode.string
        |> required "level"

Let's go through this code.

fetchPlayers : Cmd Msg
fetchPlayers =
    Http.get fetchPlayersUrl playersDecoder ➊
        |> RemoteData.sendRequest ➋
        |> Msgs.OnFetchPlayers

Here we create a command for our application to run.

  • Http.get takes a url and a decoder. This returns a Request type.
  • ➋ We pass this request to RemoteData.sendRequest, this function will wrap the request in a WebData type and return a Cmd to send the request.
  • ➌ We map the command from RemoteData to OnFetchPlayers. In that way we can handle the response in our update.
playersDecoder : Decode.Decoder (List Player)
playersDecoder =
    Decode.list playerDecoder

This decoder delegates the decoding of each member of a list to playerDecoder

playerDecoder : Decode.Decoder Player
playerDecoder =
    decode Player
        |> required "id" Decode.string
        |> required "name" Decode.string
        |> required "level"

playerDecoder creates a JSON decoder that returns a Player record. Here we use decode and required from the JSON Pipeline package. This package allows to decode JSON in a more intuitive way than doing it without any packages.

Remember that none of this actually executes until we send the command to program.

Now that we have a command to fetch players we need to call it.

In src/Main.elm call this command in init:

import Commands exposing (fetchPlayers)

init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
    ( initialModel, fetchPlayers )

Here we import fetchPlayers and call this in init. This tells Html.program to run this request when the application starts.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""