Imports and modules

In Elm you import a module by using the import keyword e.g.

import Html

This imports the Html module. Then you can use functions and types from this module by using its fully qualified path:

Html.div [] []

You can also import a module and expose specific functions and types from it:

import Html exposing (div)

div is mixed in the current scope. So you can use it directly:

div [] []

You can even expose everything in a module:

import Html exposing (..)

Then you would be able to use every function and type in that module directly. But this is not recommended most of the time because we end up with ambiguity and possible clashes between modules.

Modules and types with the same name

Many modules export types with the same name as the module. For example, the Html module has an Html type and the Task module has a Task type.

So this function that returns an Html element:

import Html

myFunction : Html.Html
myFunction =

Is equivalent to:

import Html exposing (Html)

myFunction : Html
myFunction =

In the first one we only import the Html module and use the fully qualified path Html.Html.

In the second one we expose the Html type from the Html module. And use the Html type directly.

Module declarations

When you create a module in Elm, you add the module declaration at the top:

module Main exposing (..)

Main is the name of the module. exposing (..) means that you want to expose all functions and types in this module. Elm expects to find this module in a file called Main.elm, i.e. a file with the same name as the module.

You can have deeper file structures in an application. For example, the file Players/Utils.elm should have the declaration:

module Players.Utils exposing (..)

You will be able to import this module from anywhere in your application by:

import Players.Utils

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