This page covers Elm 0.18
Players Update
Finally we need to account for the new messages in our update
function. In src/Players/Update.elm:
Add a new import:
import Players.Models exposing (Player, PlayerId)
import Players.Commands exposing (save)
Create update commands
Add a helper function for creating commands for saving a player to the API.
changeLevelCommands : PlayerId -> Int -> List Player -> List (Cmd Msg)
changeLevelCommands playerId howMuch players =
cmdForPlayer existingPlayer =
if == playerId then
save { existingPlayer | level = existingPlayer.level + howMuch }
in cmdForPlayer players
This function will be called when we receive the ChangeLevel
message. This function:
- Receives the player id and the level difference to increase / decrease
- Receives a list of existing players
- Maps through each of the players on the list comparing its id with the id of the player we want to change
- If the id is the one we want then we return a command to change the level of that player
- And finally returns a list of commands to execute
Update the players
Add another helper function for updating a player when we receive the response from the server:
updatePlayer : Player -> List Player -> List Player
updatePlayer updatedPlayer players =
select existingPlayer =
if == then
in select players
This function will be used when we receive an updated player from the API via SaveSuccess
. This function:
- Takes the updated player and a list of existing players
- Maps through each of the players comparing their ids with the updated player
- If the ids are the same then we return the updated player, otherwise we return the existing player
Add branches to update
Add new branches to the update
update message players =
case message of
ChangeLevel id howMuch ->
( players, changeLevelCommands id howMuch players |> Cmd.batch )
OnSave (Ok updatedPlayer) ->
( updatePlayer updatedPlayer players, Cmd.none )
OnSave (Err error) ->
( players, Cmd.none )
- In
we call the helper functionchangeLevelCommands
we defined above. That function return a list of commands to run, so we then batch them into one command usingCmd.batch
. - In
OnSave (Ok updatedPlayer)
we call the helper functionupdatePlayer
which will update the relevant player from the list.
Try it
This is all the setup necessary for changing a player's level. Try it, go to the edit view and click the - and + buttons. You should see the level changing and if you refresh your browser that change should be persisted on the server.
Up to this point your application code should look