This page covers Elm 0.18
Next let's add buttons to navigate between views.
EditPlayer message
Change src/Players/Messages.elm to include two new actions:
type Msg
= OnFetchAll (Result Http.Error (List Player))
| ShowPlayers
| ShowPlayer PlayerId
We added ShowPlayers
and ShowPlayer
Players List
The players' list needs to show a button for each player to trigger the ShowPlayer
In src/Players/List.elm. First add Html.Events
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
Add a new function for this button at the end:
editBtn : Player -> Html Msg
editBtn player =
[ class "btn regular"
, onClick (ShowPlayer
[ i [ class "fa fa-pencil mr1" ] [], text "Edit" ]
Here we trigger ShowPlayer
with the id of the player that we want to edit.
And change playerRow
to include this button:
playerRow : Player -> Html Msg
playerRow player =
tr []
[ td [] [ text (toString ]
, td [] [ text ]
, td [] [ text (toString player.level) ]
, td []
[ editBtn player ]
Player Edit
Let's add the navigation button to the edit view. In /src/Players/Edit.elm:
Add one more import:
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
Add a new function at the end for the list button:
listBtn : Html Msg
listBtn =
[ class "btn regular"
, onClick ShowPlayers
[ i [ class "fa fa-chevron-left mr1" ] [], text "List" ]
Here we send the ShowPlayers
when the button is clicked.
And add this button to the list, change the nav
function to:
nav : Player -> Html Msg
nav model =
div [ class "clearfix mb2 white bg-black p1" ]
[ listBtn ]
Players Update
Finally, src/Players/Update.elm needs to respond to the new messages.
import Navigation
And add two new branches to the case expression:
update : Msg -> List Player -> ( List Player, Cmd Msg )
update message players =
case message of
ShowPlayers ->
( players, Navigation.newUrl "#players" )
ShowPlayer id ->
( players, Navigation.newUrl ("#players/" ++ id) )
returns a command. When this command is run by Elm the location of the browser will change.
Test it
Go to the list http://localhost:3000/#players
. You should now see an Edit button, upon clicking it the location should change to the edit view.
Up to this point your application code should look