This page covers Elm 0.18


Create a module src/Routing.elm for defining the application routing configuration.

In this module we define:

  • the routes for our application
  • how to match browser paths to routes using path matchers
  • how to react to routing messages

In src/Routing.elm:

module Routing exposing (..)

import Navigation exposing (Location)
import Players.Models exposing (PlayerId)
import UrlParser exposing (..)

type Route
    = PlayersRoute
    | PlayerRoute PlayerId
    | NotFoundRoute

matchers : Parser (Route -> a) a
matchers =
        [ map PlayersRoute top
        , map PlayerRoute (s "players" </> string)
        , map PlayersRoute (s "players")

parseLocation : Location -> Route
parseLocation location =
    case (parseHash matchers location) of
        Just route ->

        Nothing ->

Let's go over this module.


type Route
    = PlayersRoute
    | PlayerRoute PlayerId
    | NotFoundRoute

These are the available routes in our application. NotFoundRoute will be used when no route matches the browser path.


matchers : Parser (Route -> a) a
matchers =
        [ map PlayersRoute top
        , map PlayerRoute (s "players" </> string)
        , map PlayersRoute (s "players")

Here we define route matchers. These parsers are provided by the url-parser library.

We want three matchers:

  • One for the top route which will resolve to PlayersRoute
  • One for /players which will resolve to PlayersRoute as well
  • And one for /players/id which will resolve to PlayerRoute id

Note that the order is important.

See more details about this library here


parseLocation : Location -> Route
parseLocation location =
    case (parseHash matchers location) of
        Just route ->

        Nothing ->

Each time the browser location changes, the Navigation library will trigger a message containing a Navigation.Location record. From our main update we will call parseLocation with this record.

parseLocation is a function that parses this Location record and returns the matched Route if possible. If all matchers fail we return NotFoundRoute.

In this case we UrlParser.parseHash as we will be routing using the hash. You could use UrlParser.parsePath to route with the path instead.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""